About Me

When I am not working I spend my free time knitting, listening to music, watching movies and reading. My favorite past time is reading. I love paranormal and vampire romance novel's, mystery stories and classics. I designed this blog to share my love for my hobbies and randomly blab about any and all things........... Read more »

What is this Blog About
Crystal's Random Thoughts is a blog about reviews on Paranormal Romance, Dark Erotica, Suspense, Mystery and YA Books. Author News, Giveaways, Blog Tours and More.

Genre's I Enjoy Reading!
  1. Urban Fantasy
  2. Action and Adventure
  3. Chick Lit
  4. Crime
  5. Indie Books
  6. Humor
  7. Paranormal & Contemporary Romance
  8. Young Adult Paranormal Fantasy
  9. Thriller and Suspense
  10. Mystery
  11. Dark Fantasy
  12. Dark Erotica
  13. Erotica
  14. Selected Non-Fiction
My Book Ratings System
Extraordinary Rant

Spectacular Rant

Delicious Rant

Amazing Rant

Great Rant

Good  Rant

Cant Rant About It


Why Blog?
There are so many reasons why I chose to Blog. I could take up a whole page but I decided to pick a few points to share with you.
  1. I love to read period. Reading is just not a hobby for me but a real get away into an adventurous vacation. I love to live vicariously through my characters and share my experience with my followers and I love when followers share their experiences withe me.
  2. I love to meet fellow bloggers, readers and authors. There are so many amazing people out there that blogging is just one avenue to meeting them.
  3. I wanted to leave my internet footprint on the world, LOL, I know that sounds crazy but at least I can
  4. Hey you know what I can die happy because I blogged. 

Social Media Links
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