Title: Deamhan
Author: Isaiyan Morrison
Series: Deamhan Chronicles (#1)
Genre: Adult/Paranormal/Urban Fantasy
Publisher: Rainstorm Press
Release Date: Aug 12 2013
Edition/Formats Available In: eBook & Print
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Purchase Link: Amazon | B&N Paperback
Blurb/Synopsis: Deamhan have survived by remaining hidden in the shadows. Ramanga, Lamia, Metusba, and Lugat have been overshadowed by what humans know as the modern vampire. But what if vampires aren’t the real threat?
One woman’s search for her mother who disappeared without a trace on the streets of Minneapolis takes her into the precarious world of Deamhan, psychic vampires who rule the underground nightlife in the city’s most darkest corners.
She gains the trust of the only other human familiar with the Deamhan lifestyle. With his help she finds not only can the Deamhan not be trusted but it’s her own father, president of a ruthless organization of researchers, who has diabolically maintained that distrust.
Isaiyan Morrison was born and raised in
Minnesota. She moved to San Diego, California while in the Navy. After serving
four years of active duty, she moved to Los Angeles. After a few years, she
moved back to Minnesota where she started to pursue her dream to be an author.
Her novel Deamhan, is the first book in the Deamhan Chronicles. She now resides
in Texas with her two cats, a pit bull dog, and two guinea pigs.
Blurb/Synopsis: Deamhan have survived by remaining hidden in the shadows. Ramanga, Lamia, Metusba, and Lugat have been overshadowed by what humans know as the modern vampire. But what if vampires aren’t the real threat?
One woman’s search for her mother who disappeared without a trace on the streets of Minneapolis takes her into the precarious world of Deamhan, psychic vampires who rule the underground nightlife in the city’s most darkest corners.
She gains the trust of the only other human familiar with the Deamhan lifestyle. With his help she finds not only can the Deamhan not be trusted but it’s her own father, president of a ruthless organization of researchers, who has diabolically maintained that distrust.
FTC Disclosure: I received this book for free from the author, editor, publisher, or Promo Host. This is my honest opinion about this book and I did not receive any monetary compensation for writing this review nor was I obligated to write a positive one.
The wind picked up tremendously, scattering trash along the
pavement. She turned the corner and walked down the desolate street; her pace
slowed. A glaze of frost covered the front windows of the parked cars;
overfilled garbage cans sat on the sidewalk, moving slightly left and right
from the wind. She heard police sirens in the distance and the sound of a
screeching car. The smell of urine fumigated her nose. Her body shivered and
goose bumps appeared on her forearms.
reached for her phone but stopped herself. Why leave Dark Sepulcher just like
that? She told herself nothing would get in her way, but she didn’t think her
own feelings could threaten her search. Both Lambert and Nathan knew more;
maybe something that could help her.
She crossed the empty street, turning around to head back to
Dark Sepulcher when a cold hand quickly covered her mouth. She felt an arm wrap
around her stomach, pulling her from the street to a nearby alley. She
struggled against this force, dropping her phone. She kicked her feet and tried
to scream. Suddenly the strong force tossed her against the brick wall and she
fell to the ground, landing on broken bottles and trash. She felt the sharp
stings in her forearm from the embedded fragments of glass shards. Dizziness
overcame her and she looked up, struggling to concentrate on who had thrown her
like a rag doll.
Brandy flicked back her long brown hair, revealing a face
that Veronica was all too familiar with. She recognized her immediately as one
of the two Deamhan twins who attacked her in the bathroom at Dark Sepulcher a
few nights ago. A jagged scar extended from the left top of her forehead, over
her closed right eye and to the lower right portion of her jaw. From the
indentation, she no longer had a right eye.
“I just
love it when I run across a free meal.” Brandy slowly knelt down next to
Veronica and tilted her head slightly.
slowly stood up in shock, using the wall for leverage.
“Do you
like it?” She pointed to her scar, giggling again. She raised herself up, and
the left corner of her mouth slowly curled in a malicious smile. “Well, you
should like it.” She took a couple of steps back.
eyes scoured the dirtied ground for anything she could use against her as a
weapon. Brandy jumped forward and Veronica slid back against the wall, feeling
a warm trickle of blood draining from her forehead and down the side of her
face. Brandy slightly covered her mouth and giggled again. She reached out with
her hand and attempted to touch Veronica’s face. Her eyes began to twitch, and
soon she busted out into a calm whistle.
Veronica found herself gasping and stuttering.
Brandy wiped the blood from her face. A small throb of pain
pierced Veronica’s forehead. Veronica searched for the wound and when she found
it, she discovered that it was deep and bleeding profusely.
“She killed her.” Brandy leaned up against the wall next to
her with the same dark and mischievous look her eyes. “That Deamhan bitch
killed my sister to save you that night and gave me this nice, little scar.”
Again, she pointed to the scar on her face. “And these.” She revealed her palms
covered in rippled and jagged scar tissue.
Veronica didn’t know who Brandy referred to. “Please.” Veronica felt the corner of the
wall against her back.
“Please what?” Brandy grabbed Veronica’s wrists, pinning
both of them to the wall. “I’m gonna rip you apart.” She slightly opened her
thin lips. In a slow, shocking appearance, her teeth extended to three times
the normal size. They were now sharp and materialized into the pointy teeth of
a Ramanga. She moved her arms above her head and re-grasped Veronica’s wrists
with one hand while the other forced Veronica’s head to the side.
“I’m going to drain
you into a pretty corpse.” Brandy’s raspy voice frightened Veronica. “And if you survive, I’m going to do to you
what she did to my sister.”
“I don’t
know who you’re talking about.” Veronica tried unsuccessfully to pull her arms
free. Brandy slammed her against the wall again, and Veronica lost her breath
for a second. She grabbed Veronica’s hair and yanked, throwing whatever strands
she managed to tear from Veronica’s scalp. Her strength was superior. She moved
Veronica as if she weighed absolutely nothing.
“Or I could
sire you,” Brandy whispered. Veronica flinched, feeling her sharp teeth sinking
into her neck. The pressure of her blood being sucked was excruciating.
Veronica struggled and scratched, drawing blood from her attacker’s face. Her
fighting did little, and Brandy refused to let her go. She felt her arms being
the first part of her body to succumb. Her strength soon followed, and her legs
buckled from under her. She became weaker, paralyzed, and on the verge of
passing out.
In an
instant, Brandy stopped and loosened her grip. She stared down the alleyway.
She cringed, looking back at Veronica then back down the dark alleyway.
“I knew
that bitch would come.” Brandy released Veronica. Veronica fell, landing on the
right side of her body. She had little energy to look up at what made Brandy
release her. Her blurred vision made it hard for her to see the shadowy figure
at the end of the alleyway. Brandy snarled at the dark figure that didn’t
respond. It took a step forward and again there was silence.
“Why did
you kill her?” Brandy shouted at the figure as it took another step forward.
“You were her sire!”
The figure
didn’t respond. Instead it disappeared in a blurred image only to suddenly
reappear feet from them. Veronica heard Brandy gawk as she and the figure began
to scuffle, throwing each other into the brick walls. Veronica attempted to
raise her body and catch a better glimpse of this Deamhan squabble, but she
fell back to the floor. The fight moved too quickly for the human eye to see.
They streaked back and forth, crashing into walls and garbage cans. The fight
paused long enough for Veronica to witness the dark figure; a female, with her
hands on the side of the Brandy’s neck. The figure twisted.
Brandy’s body went limp and the female moved
the head aside and gracefully sunk her teeth into the base of Brandy’s neck. A
considerable amount of blood spurted from the wound followed by the gentle
suckling as the figure drank. Veronica focused her eyes. She’d seen this figure
The victorious Deamhan leaned her head back, vivaciously
licking the remaining blood from her lips. Veronica panted, and her heart
pumped frantically.
The woman
turned her attention toward her. The white portions of her eyes were
exorbitantly blood shot red, and her Ramanga teeth began to retreat to the size
of normal teeth. Splotches of blood covered her face and dripped from the ends
of her dark hair. The dark figure was the woman at Nathan’s sanctuary.
struggled to keep her eyes open, but it seemed impossible. Slowly her eyelids
grew heavy and she drifted into darkness.
My Rant: Vampires and the supernatural world always seem to fascinate
me. Every writer brings their own twist to the story. Fight scenes were
engaging the fight between good and bad vampires kept me interested and panting
for more especially when the vampires act like true vampires, LOL. The author’s story was captivating, her
writing style was smooth and her story and characters moves at a extraordinary
pace. Fear, courage and determination are emotions that consume you in this
story. I like that veronica seemed fragile and poor brandy actually got what
she and her sister deserved. I enjoyed
this story and because I love the characters I went a downloaded the next book
in the series. I have never read work by this author but I am looking forward
to diving more into this series and plot.
My Recommendation:
I rated this nook 4 out of 5 purple rant hearts and I would recommend this story to readers that love wicked vampires.

Author Links
Other Works by Isaiyan Morrison
Deamhan Chronicles
Curse (#2)
Deamhan Tales
Kei. Family Matters
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